AI: Opportunities, Risks and Regulations in A New Era

October 25, 2023
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Meet the speakers

Ann Johnson
Corporate Vice President
David Sontag
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Sheenu (Jalla) Kachru
CEO, Optum Life Sciences
Foundation Medicine
Gaurav Singal
Healthcare Advisor and Investor, Former Chief Data Officer

About the webinar

AI has the potential to touch all parts of the healthcare industry. While still in its infancy, this panel imagined scenarios for how and where to deploy AI in order to maximize its potential for improving patient outcomes.

Speakers included:

  • Ann Johnson, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft
  • Sheenu (Jalla) Kachru, CEO, Optum Life Sciences
  • David Sontag, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT

This panel was moderated by Gaurav Singal, Healthcare Advisor and Investor, Former Chief Data Officer, Foundation Medicine.

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