Connecting Clinical Trials to RWD

October 1, 2022
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Meet the speakers

Janssen Research & Development, LLC
Najat Khan
Chief Data Science Officer and Global Head, Strategy and Operations
Jamie Macdonald
CVS Health
Jill Pellegrino
VP Recruitment and RWE, CVS Trials
Andrew von Eschenbach
Former Commissioner
Goldman Sachs
Jo Natauri
Partner, Global Head of Healthcare Private Investing

About the webinar

Clinical trials remain the gold standard of medical evidence generation, yet the data historically collected in trials provides only a slice of a participant’s health journey. This panel looks at models and use cases associated with using real-world data in a clinical trial setting.

Speakers included:

  • Najat Khan, Chief Data Science Officer and Global Head, Strategy and Operations, Janssen Research & Development, LLC
  • Jamie Macdonald, CEO, Parexel
  • Jill Pellegrino, VP Recruitment and RWE, CVS Trials, CVS Health
  • Andrew von Eschenbach, Former Commissioner, FDA

This panel was moderated by Jo Natauri, Partner, Global Head of Healthcare Private Investing, Goldman Sachs.

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