Interoperability: Where Are We Now and What’s Next?

October 1, 2022
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Meet the speakers

Civitas Networks for Health
Lisa Bari
Zus Health
Jonathan Bush
Pima County Public Health Department
Theresa Cullen
Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT
Micky Tripathi
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Doug Fridsma
Head of Government Partnerships

About the webinar

In the past several years, the healthcare industry has made leaps and bounds in becoming more interoperable. However, there are still many systems that cannot exchange data or information. This panel will cover the state of interoperability today and where we are going.

Speakers included:

  • Lisa Bari, CEO, Civitas Networks for Health
  • Jonathan Bush, CEO, Zus Health
  • Theresa Cullen, Director, Pima County Public Health Department
  • Micky Tripathi, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT

This panel was moderated by Doug Fridsma, Head of Government Partnerships, Datavant.

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