Privacy, Ethics, and Patient Benefit

October 5, 2021
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Meet the speakers

CareJourney & Former White House CTO
Aneesh Chopra
Sheenu (Jalla) Kachru
CEO, Optum Life Sciences
Janssen R&D
Sean Khozin
MD, MPH, VP, Global Head of Data Science Innovation
Deven McGraw (Invitae)
Lead, Data Stewardship & Data Sharing
Former Principal Deputy Administrator for Operations & Policy at CMS
Kim Brandt
Partner, Tarplin, Downs & Young

About the webinar

As healthcare innovation accelerates, a fundamental responsibility of our industry remains the ethical stewardship of patient privacy. In addition, as the industry drives the design and implementation of new data solutions and technologies, we are responsible for doing so in a way that successfully maximizes patient benefit.

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