The New Oncology Data Landscape

October 1, 2022
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Meet the speakers

Jeff Elton
American Cancer Society
Alpa Patel
SVP, Population Science
Susan Shiff
Vera Mucaj
Chief Scientific Officer

About the webinar

Insights generated from healthcare data can improve cancer patient outcomes. How do we most effectively capture and integrate RWD with clinical oncology information? At The Future of Health Data Summit hosted by Datavant in September 2022 in Washington, D.C., this panel explored the new oncology data landscape.

Speakers included:

  • Jeff Elton, CEO, Concert AI
  • Alpa Patel, SVP, Population Science, American Cancer Society
  • Susan Shiff, President, Ontada

This panel was moderated by Vera Mucaj, Chief Scientific Officer, Datavant.

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