Creating a Model to Improve Whole-Person Care: A Case Study in Linking Cross-Sector Social Determinants of Health and Clinical Data

October 19, 2022
1:00 pm
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Meet the speakers

Bianca Peterson
Senior Customer Success Manager
The University of Texas at Austin at Dell Medical School
Eliel Oliveira
Director of Research & Innovation
The University of Texas at Austin at Dell Medical School
Matti Hautala
Population Health Research Manager
Claire Manneh
Provider Partnerships & Innovations

About the webinar

The University of Texas at Austin, Dell Medical School, the local Health Information Exchange Connxus and findhelp, a social care referral platform, collaborated to create an innovative platform that links, displays, and contextualizes data across clinical and social sectors.

This effort helps to support a system of whole-person care in which providers and support service organizations can quickly and easily collaborate to improve the health of the 56 million Americans in vulnerable communities.

Through a discussion on October 19, attendees will:

  • Learn why linking SDoH and clinical patient data is important to improve care coordination
  • Understand how privacy preserving record linkage (PPRL) allowed Social and Health Information Platform (SHIP) to accomplish its goals of securely and reliably linking patient data across disparate datasets
  • View the SHIP Development environment in action with test data and discuss opportunities to scale to other communities

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