Gaps in Overlaps? The Challenges and Opportunities of Connecting Disparate Health Datasets

September 6, 2023
2:00 pm
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Meet the speakers

Chris Beggs
Sr. Director, Patient Data Product & Strategy
Jordan Clark
Chief Commercial Officer
Austin McMillan
Customer Success

About the webinar

The question “How many matching patients do we have?” frequently arises in the diligence process for data partnerships. It’s hard to know whether it’s worth purchasing additional data or engaging in a partnership without knowing the overlap between datasets.

In this webinar, data leaders from IQVIA and Diaceutics will discuss the incredible opportunities unlocked by connecting datasets, common challenges faced when running overlaps, and advice on overcoming them. Learn about:

  • The real-world impact of combining various sets of patient-level data
  • Opportunities created by running overlaps with multiple sets of real-world data
  • Common challenges and ways to avoid them when working with data partners

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