Next Generation Diabetes Management: Combining Glucose Levels, Lifestyle and Clinical Data for Better Outcomes

October 6, 2021
1:00 pm
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Meet the speakers

Su Huang
Head of Data Strategy
Glooko and Practicing Endocrinologist
Mark Clements
MD, PhD., Chief Medical Officer
Ed Nykaza
PhD., VP, Global Clinical Research & Evidence Generation

About the webinar

Effective diabetes management requires much more than tracking glucose levels. Diet, sleep, activity levels, and cardiac health all influence metabolic outcomes and outcomes in other chronic conditions.

Learn how a connected health data platform with glucose levels, lifestyle data and clinical data is enabling next-generation diabetes management.

In this webinar, Glooko discussed the value and impact of a holistic approach to diabetes management when you connect glucose data with real-world datasets such as medical claims, EHR, behavioral and wellness data.

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