The Value of Linked Datasets in Rare Genetic Disease Research

March 30, 2021
1:00 pm
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Meet the speakers

University of Utah
Jacob Kean
Associate Professor in Health System Innovation
Cerebral Palsy Research Network
Paul Gross
Chairman and Founder
Phoenix Children's Hospital
Michael Kruer
Pediatric Neurologist
Claire Manneh
Provider Partnerships & Innovations

About the webinar

In this discussion, Datavant and Dr. Michael Kruer of Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Dr. Jacob Kean of the University of Utah, and Paul Gross, founder of the CP Research Network will share:

  • An overview of the CP Research Network and how they are transforming CP care utilizing fit-for-purpose clinical registry data
  • CP Research Network’s vision for enabling research and quality data embedded in the EMR
  • How to unlock the discovery of genetic causes for CP and other rare diseases by linking real-world datasets

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